Re: [NTLK] Problems with UMP 2000

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 07:24:16 EST

>I have noticed a variable resonance transdimensional fluctuation in the
>sub-crystalline matrix stabalization frame of the phase shift inducer on

Your transwarp coils are out of alignment by 0.013 degrees. Compensate!
 This along with a rapidly accelerating photonic pulse rate in the
>heisenberg compensator transducer coil is causing a peculiar divergence in
>the matter/information transmission stream.

Get your palm off the screen!
>How can this be corrected? Something simple please as I am not that
>technically inclined.

Yur welcum, noww, aboot yur speeling air-ers! :-D


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