Re: [NTLK] Platform crap... Up Yours Pal!

From: R Pickett (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 19:14:59 EST

On Wed, 2001-11-07 at 16:10, wrote:
> In a message dated 11/7/01 7:03:43 PM, writes:
> >The question is: if Apple, Ford, or Alpo (or whatever) stops making the
> >product that you like, will you still buy their other products even if
> >those other products don't serve your needs? Will you keep on buying
> >Fords even if Fords don't meet your qualiy standards? Will you keep on
> >buying that brand of dog food if your veterinarian tells you that it's
> >bad for your dog? Where does your loyalty lie, to your dog or to the
> >corporation? If it's to the corporation, I say you are a pathetic piece
> >of rubbish.
> Well you are truly a genius. I think any person with even the slightest
> amount of intellect, which you obviously lack in large measure, would presume
> that you are loyal as long as the company and its products serve your needs.
> I think that is why companies exist, to make money and how do they do that
> smarty? By selling products that people want to buy.
> Here is what I think you should consider as definitely applying to you:
> 'It is better to be silent and only thought a fool than to open one's mouth
> and remove all doubt'
> Good Luck in Life Chief! Just keep repeating to yourself that you have a
> brain and maybe, just maybe even you will come to believe it true.

This is why God created moderated lists.

R Pickett           The people that once bestowed commands, consulships,
Hayseed Networks    legions, and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things  --  bread and circuses.

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