Re: [NTLK] The Lone Newton (sad) [was LaNUG Results!]

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 01:46:53 EST

on 19/11/01 01:32, John Skinner at wrote:

> Is there a web site for LaNUG?
> I would like to read more of the stuff that happened at the last meeting!
> I am sad to say that I have NEVER seen a Newton other than my own, much less
> talked or met another person that uses/used one.
> (other than through email and here on the list. You guys & gals are all I
> got...sob,.. sob..)
> I am always hoping to findout that there is another (or several) Newton users
> here in Nashville, TN.

If there aren't any, you can join the WashNUG. We're only a few hours away
from Nashville...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

cargo cult programming n.: A style of (incompetent) programming dominated by ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose. A cargo cult programmer will usually explain the extra code as a way of working around some bug encountered in the past, but usually neither the bug nor the reason the code apparently avoided the bug was ever fully understood (compare shotgun debugging, voodoo programming).

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