Re: [NTLK] Newton emulator

From: R Pickett (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 16:39:30 EST

On Sat, 2001-11-24 at 20:36, james richter wrote:

> A Newton 2K can run OpenGL?!


I dashed off to unna to find the NewtonGL package, but searching on
'newtongl' or 'opengl' didn't turn up anything. Did I dream it up?
Nobody else had chimed in to point you to it... I knew I installed it
once, long ago... Am I going -mad-?!? Hmmn.

Anyway, a poke at the Slashdot archives found me:

Hasn't apparently been touched or upgraded in almost three years, but
there it is. I just reinstalled it and the little test app, but they
manage to hang up my 2100 solid when I try to run them. (*shrug) I
don't recall if, when I last installed it and played with it, it was on
my old 130 or my 2100. Looks like a 2x00 on his page, tho.

Maybe I ought pester the guy to put the source code up there; who
knows, we might have Quake III Arena for Newt someday....

R Pickett           The people that once bestowed commands, consulships,
Hayseed Networks    legions, and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things  --  bread and circuses.

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