at the temporal coordinates: 11/28/01 3:47 AM, the entity known as Laurent
Domenech at conveyed the following:
>> From: "Andre Baron" <>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Potential for large number of bounced messages?
>> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 14:36:02 -0800
>> What about, you don't need a mac to setup the service, it provides
>> you with free pop and/or IMAP mail service. You also get 10meg free disk
>> space, that you don't have to have a mac to use.
> Little correction: last time I checked ;-) You DO need a Mac to setup but
> not to use it after. Now, if anyone needs it and doesn't have a mac, I can
> set one up for them. Just email me at my address: ldomenech
> the-_at_-sign (trying to keep it spam free). It has POP and IMAP
> access, very nice.
> Regards,
> Laurent
Isn't it true that you not only need a Mac, but one running MacOS9 ?
(Although I guess I remember hearing about a hack that would allow one to
use MacOS 8.6.)
- Eric.
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