at the temporal coordinates: 11/29/01 4:23 PM, the entity known as James
Elliott at conveyed the following:
> Once more he says "Nuff said". What a wonderful way to mask a
> complete lack of knowledge about something.
Which is an anagram for "sNuff aid"!!! OH MY GOSH!!! He's soliciting to
help commit murder!!!! Just goes to show how evil he really is!!!
>> I also get his ramblings. It is my opinion that he sits and thinks about
>> what will stir up lots of return mail. Newtons, Macs and a few other things
>> are fair game for this guy. He can then go to his boss and say look at the
>> return mail I am getting from my bit, and so he is secure in his job. Like
>> most organisations they look at public response numbers rather than the
>> quality/content ratio. It is just a racket, don't respond as quite
>> obviously he is speaking about something he has no real experience with.
>>> David Coursey has written a new column in which he explains why newton is a
>>> turkey:
>>> he does begrudgingly admit that later versions became 'actually' useful and
>>> then compares it to an EDSEL!!!
>>> Now - are there any edsel driving newton users out there?
>>> (hmmmmm, I *thought* so...)
- Eric.
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