Re: [NTLK] Tech Turkeys column ps.

From: James Elliott (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 16:23:52 EST

Once more he says "Nuff said". What a wonderful way to mask a
complete lack of knowledge about something.

>I also get his ramblings. It is my opinion that he sits and thinks about
>what will stir up lots of return mail. Newtons, Macs and a few other things
>are fair game for this guy. He can then go to his boss and say look at the
>return mail I am getting from my bit, and so he is secure in his job. Like
>most organisations they look at public response numbers rather than the
>quality/content ratio. It is just a racket, don't respond as quite
>obviously he is speaking about something he has no real experience with.
> >
> > David Coursey has written a new column in which he explains why newton is a
> > turkey:
> >
> >,10738,2827350,00.html
> >
> > he does begrudgingly admit that later versions became 'actually' useful and
> > then compares it to an EDSEL!!!
> >
> > Now - are there any edsel driving newton users out there?
> >
> > (hmmmmm, I *thought* so...)

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