From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 02:33:03 EDT

> From:
> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 23:00:35 -0500
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] HE HE, HA HA!
> I felt the exact same way.. Be sure and pick some distastefull
> background for aivs in order to get the full Total Lunatic Effect.
> On Monday, October 1, 2001, at 10:56 PM, Vernon LeMoignan wrote:

>> Everyday I go into work bouncin off the walls showing everyone the
>> latest
>> tricks, they all think I'm crazy!
>> Shame on you Steve! Newtons Rock!!
>> Sorry. I had to say something to someone, Not even my wife will listen
>> to my
>> rambling anymore,, HE HE, HA HA!!

I was thinking about getting a green or black t-shirt ready for next spring,
with green, black or yellow "green megageek" or "little green joy" writing
on the back and a Newton-logo on front. *g*
Now where to find a high-res Newton-logo...

Be assured, rambling keeps on, people keep not listening. Especially if
they're the person with that certain iPaq that just lost all data.

Oliver ;)

Darn you Apple!  How could you make such a device as to cause heads to
turn 3 years after you discontinued it!
Newtontalk is back!

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