I used to own a Newton 130 a while back.
I gave it to a friend and planned on getting a MP2k.
Well, a month turned into a year and finally I got MP2k.
So I am back with the Newton and loving every minute of it.
However, I want to take care of it and since I an relatively new to the
Newton community I am seeking advice on a few things.
I need to purchase a couple cases. One case for the newton itself for
when I need to travel light and another case to carry everything, including
keyboard. I have looked at PDA concepts and I REALLY like the 'handstand'
case. Has anyone purchased that case or anything from PDA concepts? And
does anyone know of any other places that sell leather Newton cases?
I am also looking at upgrading it to a 2100. Has anyone has any
experience with Dr. Newton doing upgrades?
Are the screen protectors worth buying?
I apologize for being somewhat of a 'newbie' but I am probably going to
spend @ $300 or so for 2 cases, the upgrade, and a few accessories.
So I would like as much advice and feedback on these vendors as possible.
Thank you for your opinions and help,
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