My newton is a survivor of the school of hard knocks.
I'm not easy on my equipment and my newton showed
many, many problems before I sent it in for
Sitting on the passenger seat during an "emergency"
stop, slammed the newt into the dashboard and then
onto the floor of the car. Everything popped off
including the infrared lens (the case popped open on
the corner). Snapped everything together (seriously
sickening crunches here) turned it on, and it worked.
A co-worker tripped over my ethernet cable, yanked my
newt onto an industrial carpetted surface, again,
everything came off...yes the infrared lens again (the
plastic around the lens was cracked from the previous
fall) and the main screen cover was broken off.
Dropped the Newt onto the Italian tiled floor of my
parent's kitchen...This one broke off the port door,
broke the battery catch, dislodged the ROM module
inside and stopped the pen catch from working.
Through out all these "disasters" the Newton continued
to function once I got all the pieces back together
again (there was also that one time disasterous
Mineral Water episode...shudder) everything worked
well enough to make whatever broke off not really that
Needless to say, after I received my repaired newt
back from apple, the first thing I did was drop it and
broke off one of the door clippy things on the back
that holds the lid open...drat!
web/gadget guru
--- Justin Streufert <> wrote:
> My MP120 broke when it fell from a desk onto a
> low-pile (hardish) carpet.
> It landed on the corner and the screen bezel pushed
> hard enough on the glass
> to break it. Ow.
> I doubt that you can break the screen with the
> stylus unless you are
> throwing it at the screen like a dart. It would
> seem that lots of force
> directed at a single point on the glass would cause
> it to break more easily,
> but more often than not it seems like blunt force
> trauma cracks the Newton
> screen. I think this is because it is designed for
> somewhat hard point
> pressure. The touchpad layer must be penetrated by
> the stylus tip to
> register a tap. These outer layers probably help
> distribute the force.
> Knock on wood,
> Justin
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf
> Of Tom Wilkinson
> > Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:14 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [NTLK] Breaking the Newton Screen
> >
> >
> >
> > I am curious about those of you who have broken
> screens.
> > How did you break them?
> > Does the glass wear out and eventually, you just
> tap and BLAM?
> > This would make me very paranoid about fracturing
> the screen.
> > Have any of you broken the screen by just pushing
> the stylus a
> > "wee" bit too
> > hard against a worn out glass?
> > Shudders. I hope not.
> > Tom
note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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