You need a serial connector to plug the keyboard into the top slot.
Here is one on eBay.
> Laurent wrote: If you have a Newton OS 2.0- based Newton, it couldn't be
> easier: get a Newton keyboard (look on eBay), plug the keyboard in the
> Newton and start typing! You can also use Newton Connection Utilities on
> your computer and activate the keyboard function. Every keystroke on your
> computer's keyboard will appear on your Newton. If you don't have a Newton
> OS 2.0-based Newton, I know that there were hacks to let you use the Newton
> keyboard, but I don't remember any of it. -Laurent.
> to clarify: I have MP2100 with keyboard. I got them at a yard sale. There
> does not seem to be anywhere to plug in the keyboard. I am wondering if
> they are compatible. -Joey
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