Re: [NTLK] keyboards

From: SlashDevNull (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 14:47:34 EDT


  Here is the web site and the email for the ser-001.

I have sent an email asking if they are still for sale.

They look very slick.


> on 10/2/01 1:56 PM, SlashDevNull at wrote:
>> You need a serial connector to plug the keyboard into the top slot.
>> Here is one on eBay.
>>> Laurent wrote: If you have a Newton OS 2.0- based Newton, it couldn't be
>>> easier: get a Newton keyboard (look on eBay), plug the keyboard in the
>>> Newton and start typing! You can also use Newton Connection Utilities on
>>> your computer and activate the keyboard function. Every keystroke on your
>>> computer's keyboard will appear on your Newton. If you don't have a Newton
>>> OS 2.0-based Newton, I know that there were hacks to let you use the Newton
>>> keyboard, but I don't remember any of it. -Laurent.
>>> to clarify: I have MP2100 with keyboard. I got them at a yard sale. There
>>> does not seem to be anywhere to plug in the keyboard. I am wondering if
>>> they are compatible. -Joey
> Alternatively, you could try to get a SER-001 from David (?) Humphreys, if
> he still has a few available. The SER-001 is a DIN-8 serial connector that
> you install in your Newton and in doing so, provides serial connections
> without the need of the "Interconnect Port Adapter" (AKA the infamous
> dongle)...
> -Laurent.

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