> Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 12:04:14 -0400
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Beeing really brave: recharge NIMH in MP130 using
> From: "Laurent Daudelin" <laurent_daudelin_at_fanniemae.com>
> on 10/2/01 11:54 AM, oliver.brose_at_t-online.de at oliver.brose_at_t-online.de
> wrote:
>> I know that one really should not charge NIMHs inside the MP130 (as some
>> say), but I think I'll take the risk - or is this no good idea, because of
>> the fastcharger?
> It's not a good idea because the power manager in the 130 expects to
> recharge NiCADs, not NiMH, which don't have the same power characteristics
> than NiCADs. So, unless you deliberately want to damage your 130, don't do
> that and recharge your NiMH into their own charger.
I was brave enough to try it.
Works fine, at least the unit did not burst into flames.
I tried to install Nick's SoftCharger, but the OS denied it. 2.1 only?
You just have to love Newton OS, I pumped the MP130 with backup-data from a
card I backuped the MP2100's 2.1 on, just disabled anything I knew to be 2.1
only, restored, restarted, and there I am with a working, all set up 2.0!
Just the same as I did when my first MP130 once gave life to my MP2100 by
sharing it's backup.
Dumb and unclean procedure, but almost flawless :)
One drawback: The MP130 keeps popping up an -48808 occasionally, especially
when deleting a pkg. What could cause that?
Oliver :)
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