Re: [NTLK] eMate to Windows connection advice

Date: Tue Oct 09 2001 - 00:49:30 EDT

In a message dated Mon, 8 Oct 2001 10:14:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Diana Oakley <> writes:

> I need to connect an eMate to a computer that has
> Windows 98 installed. I have the connection cable to
> do the job - one end attaches to the eMate (round
> serial cable looking piece), the other is 9-pin female
> piece (sorry - I know what I'm talking about, I just
> don't know the proper names).

Be sure you have a REAL Newton-to-PC connection cable. I spent $30 for a Mac serial cable and a Mac-Serial-to-PC-Serial dongle, only to discover via later web searches (after I couldn't connect my eMate to my PC) that a real Newton cable switches pins and such in a way that jerry-rigging adapters doesn't duplicate. (And then add the $24 that I spent to get a real Newton cable... I could have bought the Simpsons first season box set!)

Anyone need a Mac serial cable or a MiniDin-8 to DB9 adapter? :)


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