> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 23:19:56 -0400
> From: THX 1138 <onefishtwofish_at_mac.com>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] To think what could have been....
> I whipped mine out (the newton, be nice...) at a job interview, and
> passed around my NewtonBook portfolio. I got the job. They liked
> tapping on things to see larger images,
You can do that with a NewtonBook..?
Is NewtonPress enough to do it?
Get a Newton and you'll be learning something useful every day :)
I'll be back on campus next week, and I still can't decide on whether to get
a new sort of pen, or paper, or something... didn't need any last semester.
...I think I'd rather go practice my english... there's a test coming up...
Oliver :)
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