on 10/15/01 1:27 PM, jeff kisseloff at j.kisseloff_at_verizon.net wrote:
> thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still not able to connect. I found a
> box in nethopper that automatically sends you to the default set up. by
> unchecking that, nethopper sent me to the correct set up, and it dialed
> up and made a connection. but it then hung on "Loading up host address."
> And after a few seconds, I got this message, "No response from current
> DNS server."
> I called verizon and read them the dns server numbers on my set up and
> they said they were correct.
> so what can it be?
Sorry if I come back with that again, but that would most likely mean that
you didn't fill something in your internet setup. I'm also a bit confused by
what you mean when you say that you "found a box in nethopper that
automatically sends you to the default set up. by unchecking that, nethopper
sent me to the correct set up, and it dialed up and made a connection."
Are you talking about the connection slip? If so, usually, you would pick a
worksite for which you would have set an internet setup. So, if you're at
work, you would obviously have a different internet setup than if you're
If there are no response from the DNS server, then that's because at the
address you're entered, there was, indeed, no response from the DNS server.
If the Newton tells you that there is a problem with "A", then there is no
need to search for "B", as the problem is with "A".
So, there is something missing in your internet setup. Make sure that the
internet setup that is set when you're trying to use NetHopper is really the
one you think...
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA ********************** Usual disclaimers apply ********************** buzzword-compliant: [also `buzzword-enabled'] Used (disparagingly) of products that seem to have been specified to incorporate all of this month's trendy technologies. Key buzzwords that often show up in buzzword-compliant specifications as of 2001 include `XML', `Java', `peer-to-peer', `distributed', and `open'.-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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