Re: [NTLK] closer but no cigar on internet connection%26In-Reply-To

From: jeff kisseloff (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 18:45:19 EDT

so let me stretch your patience by asking a few more questions.
dashboard tells me that I have 48k heap. I don't have that many programs
loaded into the internal memory. is there something wrong?

is 48k an astonishing low number? how much would I need to do some

I installed nethopper 3.2. I got further with it, to the point where a
message said it was downloading a page. then it crashed. you recommend
an upgrade. pix solutions has the mp2000 upgrade, which seems to me to
be a speed upgrade. it also has a four meg upgrade. would I need both?
would just the memory upgrade be sufficient?

i'm surprised that nethopper would crash the 2000. didn't they write it
for the 2000?

thanks again,


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