Re: [NTLK] Open Sourcing ATA Support (was Re: Experiencing

From: Mark Rollins (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 15:57:43 EDT

Subject: Re: [NTLK] Open Sourcing ATA Support (was Re: Experiencing Serious
From: Steve Weyer <>
Macia,...), (and of course there were vertical project and commercial
packages too) but I don't see that as likely these days, even with the
wonderful stuff you, I and others continue to create. ;-)
Don't forget you get the thanks and admiration from the rest of us. It's
also your own little bit of immortality.

I'll pull out my battered Newt to show my grandkids a few decades from
now (probably, still have a gen-u-ine original dual floppy IBM PC in the
basement). I'll mention some of the programming pioneers and geniuses,
with the same reference as Glenn, Curie, Salk, etc.

I'll have finally overclocked it to 200+ MHz, but instead of AA
batteries it'll be using one of these new-fangled propane-powered micro
turbine generators that are AA-sized. I'll power it up, have it speak
something to entertain the kids.

I'll describe the (still active) 'cult of the Newton' who took the
original OS and were able to port it to the newer ARM-powered SonyPalm
hand-helds (named when Sony devoured Palm when Palm's stock hit $0.45,
after the ill-fated "PalmOS everywhere" campaign, that was crushed by
MicroSun, the Microsoft/Sun alliance (they also crushed the Mac, read

I'll wax philosophic about Apple (now a division of GE, they make POS
cash registers for the increasingly illiterate workforce) and what PDAs
could've been. As for my newest HandDell (SonyPalm clone from the
HandSpring/Dell merger); the f-ing thing STILL uses Graffiti!!

Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP

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