Re: [NTLK] Any update on that device?

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 18:33:28 EDT

I'm sorry, sour grapes or not...when I saw the iPod, I
said "big whoop"
and not because I'm not a Mac person either. The MP3
portable market is saturated! All the current MP3
players have Mac connectivity. Sure, there may be
something about the interface, but if you think I'm
going to manage my music on that little device, you've
got to be kidding! I've increased my MP3s to over
20gigs now, there's no possible way that this device
will do absolutly anything for me. Now, that Nomad
with the upgradeable hard drive...that's something I
can use!

And no... I'm not going to cut Apple any slack what so
ever. The iPod just doesn't "do it" for me...based on
the hype and Apple's past performance in design, I was
expecting something more...
web/gadget guru

--- Byron Han <> wrote:
> Sour grapes are probably because people are still
> pissed about Apple=20
> canning the Newton.
> Come on - cut Apple some slack here. And try to be
> objective. And try=20=
> to think different.
> On Tuesday, October 23, 2001, at 09:29 AM,
> SlashDevNull wrote:
> > This rant is not directed at anyone in
> particular. I just can not=20=
> > believe
> > the sour grapes that I am hearing about this
> product. And not because=20=
> > of
> > what it is or does, but because of what it is not
> what we all wanted =
> it=20
> > to
> > be.
> >
> Byron Han
> Han Chen & Son Software
> --
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