Re: [NTLK] NPDS Problem

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 01:28:55 EDT

You can always "steal" an IP...
You said that you have a static IP for your Powerbook.
You can use this as a Proxy, or a Nat server for your
Newt and give your newt a non-routable IP (in the
range of 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x. This
way, you can have as many IPs as you want and all
being served from your own little network. (btw,
network admins hate this kind of stuff, but hey...let
them find you...)
Just be careful that you don't use the same non
routable IPs that your network uses...that can get
since you know what your IP is (it's a static IP,
right?) then PING each subsequent IP after yours until
you get one that doesn't reply! Most networks have two
different ranges of IPs. One for the DHCP pool
controled by the DHCP server and the other which is a
pool of static IPs controled by the Network admin. (If
all your IPs, static and dynamic are in the same
range, you can use the subnet mask and your gateway ip
as a base. Without getting into some really boring and
dry subject matter as IP address allocations, suffice
it to say, using the gateway as the beginning address,
you can count the range of IPs that belong to a DHCP
server by looking at the subnet mask (snm). Translate
the SNM to a CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)and
use the binary to determine the range. So this means
that if your gateway IP is, and your SNM
is, this means that your DHCP server has
a /24 (pronounced as slash 24) IP range. This is an
entire "class-C" or 255 IPs from to the .0 address is reserved for the
gateway and the .255 address is reserved as the
broadcast address. You can use this handy network
calculator for help:
Anything outside this range of IPs is a static IP. If
it belongs to your network (again, look at your
gateway and SNM for your existing static IP for hints)
and it doesn't PING, then it's probably fair to say
that no one is using it and you can "test" it for a
As long as you don't venture too far from your
existing static IP, you can use the same subnet mask,
and DNS servers. Just make sure that no one is using
the IP (test it for several says to be sure. On my
Windows machine, I created a batch file that PINGed an
IP and saved the results in a file. I then set up an
AT job to run this batch file twice an hour. Over the
course of a week, I never saw the IP active, so I
grabbed it...the network admin never knew about it and
I suppose didn't even care! But remember, this is done
at your own risk and violation of company policies can
get you fired. Read your employee manual!)
web/gadget guru

--- Dave Abramowitz <> wrote:
> Interesting point, Victor, and I think you may be
> right on. I've noticed
> that even though all the machines (all Windows,
> including the DHCP server
> box, except for my PowerBook and Newt) are set for
> DHCP, they do in fact get
> the same IP address every time. So it appears I'm
> hosed for now.
> - Dave
> On 10/25/01 4:30 PM, "Victor Rehorst"
> <> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Dave Abramowitz wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I'm using my company's box (beta tester). It's a
> combination of a Linksys
> >> router, Zone Alarm Pro (firewall) and anti-virus
> (us, Trend Micro). It seems
> >> to be dolling out IP addresses to all of the
> internal machines just fine,
> >> accepting all connections. I've checked the
> config, and I can't see anywhere
> >> to get really granular about DHCP. Doh.
> >
> > Do the other machines (I'm assuming they're
> Windows or MacOS here) send
> > hostnames with their DHCP requests? I know I'm
> being a little vague
> > here... basically, with DHCP you can optionally
> send a string to identify
> > yourself to the DHCP server - this can act either
> as a silly form of
> > authentication, or to "reserve" an IP in the list
> so that you always get
> > the same IP address. If this is required by your
> router, then you won't
> > be able to DHCP with your Newton, because NIE 2.0
> doesn't support sending
> > this hostname/username/whatever.
> >
> > --
> > Victor Rehorst - -
> > NewtonTalk list administrator -
> > Will help you with your list problems - as long as
> you're nice.

note: This does not constitute a sig file...

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