I think we should frame this and hang it on the wall of our 'pub' (very apt
description, by the way - I'd wager most members have a similar view).
If any ever got impatient with those not wanting to talk about what we want
to (or want them to), all we would have to do is point to it & say - ' did
you forget ? '.
It absolutely rates a 100 point flaming bold underlined AMEN !!
Paul Nuernberger
> From: Ed Kummel <tech_ed_at_yahoo.com>
> Reply-To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 22:00:16 -0700 (PDT)
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] O/T discussions
> True, but this only happens very infrequently
> <bringing the message back on topic>
> When I went to the WashNUG this last several weekends
> ago, very little was discussed about the Newton. In
> fact, when I arrived at around 8:00, there was only
> one Newton out of a case and sitting on the table, and
> it was a 120 (well, there was another Newt connected
> to a hub and a emate) but there were 3 people there
> and the other two didn't even have their Newtons out.
> The conversations that were subsequently had were
> normal, standard, "getting to know you" kinds of
> talking, "hi, I'm jon, what do you do IRL?" kind of
> stuff. (the meeting didn't break up untill almost
> 2:00am! 6 hours! Nobody can talk Newton for 6 hours!)
> That's kinda like the way I see NewtonTalk. Despite
> the banter and the disagreements (and the inability of
> the Mac-o-philes to "see the <dark>...come over to the
> dark side, it's nice and busy! ;-p ) I still regard
> everyone on this list as a "virtual" friend! Now don't
> get me wrong, you guys aren't "buds" or the like, but
> if there were a genuine emergency and there was
> something I could help out on, then yes, I would go
> out of my way. You don't get that way talking "shop"
> You learn about the people you choose to spend time
> with, whether it's IRL, or virtual. I've never met Woo
> (or is that ooW), or Victor or 99% of you guys (and
> gals) and I've only recently met some locals (Sean,
> Zac and Laurent). Now if I see one of these people, I
> will wave at them with the acceptance of knowing them.
> Virtual relationships can have just as much meaning as
> IRL relationships. Heck, some days I "talk" with you
> guys more than actual flesh and blood people! I look
> at this "list" (that's such an impersonal description)
> as something like a neighborhood pub, or something
> similar (insert your version of "lodge", "hall",
> "coffee house" here) populated by people who have a
> shared interest. There are many different
> conversations going on, and like talking to friends at
> a bar, sometimes someone else's conversation drowns
> out the one you're in...do like you do in the bar,
> turn and look at the offending vocalist, make a face
> and raise your drink, smile and introduce yourself.
> Who knows, you might find a similar interest.
> But yes, you're right...This is a Newton Talk list and
> as such the majority of discussion should be about the
> device we call a Personal Digital Assistant. And
> really, the discussions are...for the most
> part...about Newtons and things "message pad-ish" and
> when things get out of hand, the list MOMs and DADs
> will admonish us for swaying too far off topic and
> gently nudge us back on to the path of greeness. But
> that's OK also...because after all, that's the whole
> reason we're here in the first place.
> Ed
> web/gadget guru
> --- "John M. Powell" <iwillbefreedotcom_at_earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>>> As long as we keep the S/N ratio below the levels
>> of
>>> people actually leaving the list, then I think
>>> occational OT stuff should not only be tolerated,
>> but
>>> accepted. We're people living in a world populated
>> by
>>> other people. Conversations tend to get started!
>>> Ed
>>> web/gadget guru
>> True. But when you've subscribed to a list for a
>> specific
>> purpose and 90+% of the traffic has nothing to do
>> with the
>> Newton... well, I've got no plans to jump ship but
>> it really
>> gets old fast.
>> John
> =====
> note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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