That coating is actually a GOOD thing. It kept me from dropping my
Newton many times. I've often wished for it on other devices, including
my cell phone and current PalmOS clone and previous Palm IIIx, which I've
dropped several times. I've *NEVER* dropped any of my Newtons. Not once
since 1993.
At least it's black (or DARK GREEN!) underneath, too. So if it rubs off
it is less likely to show. There's a similar rubberized coating on my
(BLACK!) PowerBook G3 "Wallstreet" in the middle (where you hold it when
carrying it when it's closed) amd it's metal underneath. Scratch THAT
and it's UGLY. Some folks have gone so far as to remove the rubberized
black paint and buff up the metal underneath to a pearly glow.
- Bill
>You forgot "rubberised coating which you can scratch off with your
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Alex Enkerli" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 4:35 AM
>Subject: [NTLK] Newton Pet Peeves
>> Here's a couple. They might be 2.0 issues, but they're a bit annoying
>> all the same. I know there are alternatives for some of them but
>> ranting is fun.
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