yes, like paying to register with Modasys, I have followed the instructions
in the demo package, but that doesn't seem to generate a response from them.
Since I have found that most companies who produced Newton Software have
neglected their software registration system I assumed that the maker of
Voice Notes may be difficult to get a registration from.
I had no idea they had a current web site.
I appreciate the re-direction, but not the ,oh so subtle way, you insinuate
that I was looking for free software.
> From: "Ivan Shaw" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 18:13 -0500
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] [NTLK]Voice Notes
> On Mon, Oct 29 2001 greenguy wrote:
>> Is there anyway to get a registration for Voice Notes?
> You mean, like paying to register with Modasys?
> <>
> --
> Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
> Why are you still buying Vitamin D?
> --
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