on 30/10/01 18:25, Jon Glass at jonglass_at_usa.net wrote:
> on 10/30/01 9:07 PM, David Orriss Jr at dave_at_davenet.net wrote:
>> I didn't enjoy WinCE on a PDA, and I'm concerned that in
>> making linux fit in a PDA we will see some of the same shortcomings service.
> But Linux is not the UI, am I right? You could design your own UI over the
> linux kernel or whatever they call that stuff. (coming from a Mac
> perspective, I pay little attention to Linux and Windows...) :-)
>> However, the jury is still out for me at this point. I'd like to see a
>> JavaOS PDA. Considering all the Java work I do, that would rock.. :)
> But wouldn't a Java OS PDA be as slow as molasses in January on anything but
> the fastest processors? Also, I have yet to see anything written in Java
> that was actually useful, although I would be glad to be proven wrong on
> this. It seems that Java is the buzzword-compliant platform with little to
> show for all its "promise." :-) Somebody show me something! (Or is it like
> Open Doc--promise of "solutions" but no real answers...)
You would need a real fast processor and a ton of memory to be comfortable.
And you would need to make it upgradeable because on the day you would
introduce it, you would already be lagging a couple of versions behind...
And don't forget that Micro$oft is trying as much as it can to kill it. For
instance, XP was released recently without any JRE. Micro$oft wants to
replace Java with C# (pronounced C-Sharp), which would run only on Windows
Will they succeed? Well, who knows? There are so many lemmings in the
corporate US that I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to kill it...
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.combozotic /boh-zoh'tik/ or /boh-zo'tik/ adj.: [from the name of a TV clown even more losing than Ronald McDonald] Resembling or having the quality of a bozo; that is, clownish, ludicrously wrong, unintentionally humorous. Compare wonky, demented. Note that the noun `bozo' occurs in slang, but the mainstream adjectival form would be `bozo-like' or (in New England) `bozoish'.
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