Re: [NTLK] blasphemy and maybe some hope

From: Seth Vidal (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 21:54:13 EDT

> And how, precisely do you propose someone get this "code dump"?? Now,
> maybe, just maybe, someone, somewhere has an ARM binary - ARM assembly
> parser. But I fail to see how possessing such a "code dump" will get Apple
> to release NOS or the HWR into the public domain. In fact, just the
> opposite! Anyone who did that and was foolish to make it known would have
> hordes of flesh-eating Apple lawyers coming in thru the windows to suck the
> marrow from their bones. And that's just in the pre-trial posturing!

I was proposing asking apple for it.

not dumping it from the current newtons.

just asking if they were willing to do so.

just like other companies have been persuaded to do the same.


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