Of all of the April Fool's gags that could be pulled, this one has to
rate as the least funny.... :-(
On 1 Jan 2010 at 30:00, sjobs_at_apple.com wrote:
> About five years ago I assumed control of Apple Computer, Inc. One of
> my first actions was to eliminate all products of the company not
> directly associated with the Macintosh. Apple was in danger of
> sinking and radical action had to be taken, even if the Newton was
> finally showing a profit. But I must admit some relish to removing the
> last vestiges of a former executive's influence on the company.
> Yet through thick and think you've stuck with us even as we abandoned
> you. It's absolutely amazing what has been produced for this product
> in the past five years, not the least includes a Sherlock emulator,
> VNC, Java, MP3, and of course the ATA card driver we had claimed
> couldn't be written. Kudos!
> As such, I feel I owe the Newton Community an apology. Prior to
> killing the Newton, I had claimed that we would continue marketing it.
> We even brought Newton Inc. back into Apple after an abortive
> spin-off. We just didn't trust the product and had no idea that it
> would retain its value and interest as long as it has. In short: we
> blew it.
> As a rule, Apple does not preannounce products. But I ask you to hold
> on for a little while longer, and I think your community in particular
> will be pleased with upcoming products from Apple. Once again, thank
> you for your loyalty, and I hope you enjoy the coming months.
> Steven P. Jobs
> CEO Apple Computer, Inc.
> --
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-- David Orriss Jr. dave_at_davenet.net http://www.davenet.netPlease email me if you want my ICQ/AIM/IM ID's.
-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net
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