[NTLK] Cinema for Newton

From: David Deranian (deranian_at_att.net)
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 22:24:27 EST

Hi Everyone-

Has anyone out there ever successfully created a small movie via the
instructions provided by Peter Leenes of NewtBrick? He created Cinema for
Newton. He tells you do drag a series of sequential images into Newton
Press. Creating the sequential images is no problem, but when I try and drag
them into Newton Press, I get a Error 2 and then Newton Press quits.

I have no problem dragging individual jpeg or tiff files into Newton Press,
but it doesn't like more than one file at a time it seems. I tried
increasing Newton Press's memory to a ridiculously high level, but that
didn't help. Mainly, I'd like to know if anyone of you use Cinema for
Newton, and if you've been able to use Newton Press like this with no
problems. Thanks!


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