[NTLK] Can anyone in Calgary, Alberta lend an Ethernet Card?

From: King Chung Huang (kinghuang_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 03:06:27 EST

Hi everyone,

I'm currently preparing a presentation for a Computer Science class at the U
of C. In one part, I'm going to show how "backwards-compatible" the website
that we're presenting is, and I currently plan on firing up an old copy of
NCSA Mosaic to do that. But, showing it on the Newton would be a whole lot
cooler. :)

I have a MessagePad 2000 (non-upgraded), but I don't have any Ethernet cards
to get network access. So, I was wondering if anyone on the list happens to
be in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has an Ethernet card they could lend me?
My presentation is on Tuesday, April 9. I know this is a really long shot,
but I thought I'd ask anyways.


King Chung Huang               kinghuang_at_earthlink.net
Learning Commons                   Tel: (403) 220-4949
University of Calgary              Fax: (403) 282-0730
2500 University Dr. NW
Calgary, AB  T2N 1N4          Streaming Video Showcase
Canada                  http://commons.ucalgary.ca/qtv

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