Re: [NTLK] newt baseball schedule?

From: Basil Selden (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 11:41:10 EST wrote:

>At 8:19 PM -0800 4/5/2002, Pedro Hobbyfrazoo wrote:
>>hey -
>>does anyone remember how somebody used to make up the baseball schedule
>>for importation to the newt each season? anybody knwo who, and whether
>>he/she still does it?
>You're looking for the Newton Scorecard from Tropical Software at:
>Unfortunately, you need to visit the site with Internet Explorer. It shows
>as a blank page if you use Netscape. I downloaded the software two years
>ago. At the time it was last updated in 1999. I contacted the developer
>and he said he was too busy with family life to continue maintaining the
>Let me know if you find out anything. I refuse to have microsoft products
>darkening my computer.
I just visited the site with Netscape 6.2.2 without any difficulty. I
also try to avoid using Internet Exploder whenever possible.
Basil H. Selden


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