on 06/04/02 19:23, dbrunacc_at_postoffice.utas.edu.au at
dbrunacc_at_postoffice.utas.edu.au wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Wow! That's all I have to say about the newton 2100 that I got from ebay
> last friday. It is such a fantastic piece of equipment! I can't wait to
> get the most out of it.
> I just have a few teething problems that I would really appreciate some
> advice with:
> I have the dongle to attach the keyboard but no serial cable. Can I just
> use a standard Mac Serial cable to connect the Newt to a Mac with a
> serial port?
> I have a palm (PC-serial) to USB adapter from my now retired PalmIIIe. I
> used it to sync my palm with my imac. Is there a way I can use this
> adapter with a serial cable to communicate with the Newt over USB? I
> would probably need a special mac -> PC serial cable...
Yes, a standard serial cable, not a modem cable which has a couple of wires
crossed and won't work. I've read from some users that they were using their
Palm USB adapter, although I've never used one.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comfinger-pointing syndrome n.: All-too-frequent result of bugs, esp. in new or experimental configurations. The hardware vendor points a finger at the software. The software vendor points a finger at the hardware. All the poor users get is the finger.
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