[NTLK] Newton: Expensive waste of time

From: Oliver Brose (oliver.brose_at_t-online.de)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 09:30:49 EDT

> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 00:23:47 -0400
> Subject: [NTLK] Newton: Expensive waste of time
> From: John Charlton <johncharlton_at_mac.com>
> I bought my MP2.1k roughly a month ago. Since that time I've more than
> doubled the purchase price in shareware and options, and spent a hundred
> hours poring over archive sites, software sites, personal pages and
> five-year-old reviews in Pen Computing. Meanwhile even though I told it to
> clean my desk over TWO WEEKS AGO it's *still* a mess! Could it be my IR
> port malfunctioning? Is there an extension I'm missing? I'd really like to
> be able to use voice commands - is there shareware to do this? "Newton! Do
> the dishes!"

Dang, I guess it's all up to your expectations! Tell Bill you want something
to do the dishes with, I guess it could be included in WinCE. If all your
china is blue & white already you're on the safe side ;)

My desk is quite a mess as well, but it does not matter as long as I can
move the mouse, find the Ethernet card and some space to put down the Newt.
Deskspace means "place to put incoming paper until you feel like filing it"
to me.

Just BTW, today my Newton was referred to as "a huge GameBoy" by fellow
students. Man, I guess I must have sounded not toooo positively exited when
I explained that "this is a Newton Message Pad, and it's a tool, not a

Oliver :)

Please Lick This iMac: Yet another utterly annoying, nearly perfect gizmo
gem from those shameless bastards at Apple

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