Hi all - delighted to pick up an eMate on eBay UK for a reasonable cost ($90 or so, not bad for UK) but I've been having problems collecting e-mail and surfing the web.
I can dial up OK - via the standard Apple Newton Fax Modem - but then I get the message "Connecting to pop3.lineone.net" when I try to check mail (or "connecting to smtp.lineone.net" when I'm trying to send mail) and then it just sits there and doesn't connect. Same happens when I load up Newtscape to surf the web - whichever site I put in the address for it simply gives the message "connecting to www.whatever ....." and never makes it.
Now I know an eMate is never going to zip along at the speed of a 2100, but can I only reasonably expect it to be veeeeeerrrrry slooooooowwww? Should I try a faster modem?
So far as I can tell, my SimpleMail and Newtscape settings are correct.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Russ, UK
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