[NTLK] Jaggies observation

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (jbond_at_eskimo.com)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 17:09:10 EDT

(oh no, it's Jeremy ranting about Jaggies again! Quick, hit the delete key!)

I just ordered another 2100 from MacEasy, who says they will offer a 30 day
warranty, so perhaps I'll get lucky this time.

Still, I have this *pristine* 2100 whose only flaw is jaggies.

Last weekend I switched from "pristine but jaggified" Newton #2 to "old and
worn but reliable" Newton #1... used it all weekend long. Then Monday
thought I'd try it again, so switched to #2 and used it without a single
jaggie for almost 24 hours. Then, Tuesday morning, it was jaggie city. This
is about the same pattern I observed last time when I thought using the
Caig Laboratories DeOxit pen had cured my jaggies. Great for almost a whole
day, then back to same as before.

Could the fact that #2 is jaggie-free for about 24 hours after "resting"
for a few days shed any light on the problem? Is there some kind of
electrical charge buildup in the touchscreen or somewhere that gets
dissapated when the unit is unused for a period of time?

IANA Electronics-savvy guy, but whadayathink?


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