on 10/04/02 21:45, Eric L. Strobel at fyzycyst_at_comcast.net wrote:
> somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 4/10/02 4:37 PM, the entity known
> as Laurent Daudelin transmitted the following from
> laurent_daudelin_at_fanniemae.com:
>> On 10/04/02 15:13, "Alexander Oberd=F6rster" <oberdoer_at_uni-duesseldorf.de>
>> wrote:
>>>> I think, this is off my failing memory, that there was a version of the
>>>> DIL for Windows, but without any support for the CommToolbox features.
>>>> You only get Ethernet, no IrDA. No AppleTalk, obviously. I could be
>>>> wrong, but I think that's the reason.
>>> =20
>>> Yes, you're correct. It only supports TCP/IP. But that would be
>>> sufficient (for me, at least).
>> Nice. The problem is that we don't have the source of the library, so we
>> can't recompile it under OS X. We can't use the actual Windows one because
>> it was compile for an Intel processor. And we can't use the Macintosh one
>> because it was built using the Communication Toolbox.
> Would the WinTel version work on OS X under VirtualPC ??
No idea.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comcoaster n.: 1. Unuseable CD produced during failed attempt at writing to writeable or re-writeable CD media. Certainly related to the coaster-like shape of a CD, and the relative value of these failures. "I made a lot of coasters before I got a good CD." 2. Useless CDs received in the mail from the likes of AOL, MSN, CI$, Prodigy, ad nauseam.
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