> From: John Goggan <jgoggan_at_dcg.com>
> Paul Nuernberger wrote:
>> According to what others more knowledgeable than myself have said, the
>> Newton-side dock application does not have TCP/IP (correctly, fully)
>> implemented internally, but relies on EtherTalk (AppleTalk over TCP/IP) or
>> serial data for full functionality.
> I guess that's where I'm confused. Are you saying that if I select "TCP/IP"
> in the Dock app, that it really isn't doing that? Because I use it all the
> time...
Can you do restorable backups ? Notice that I did say 'fully implemented'.
>> All Macintosh products that dock with the newton via Ethernet do so using
>> EtherTalk, and NOT TCP/IP alone.
> So when I select TCP/IP in Dock and then connect to it using DIL Tester on my
> Windows box, it is actually doing EtherTalk?? Hmmm... That isn't what I was
> assuming...
So you are doing this on a Macintosh ? Thought not.
>> I have never been able to get Windows DIL Tester to talk TCP/IP reliably
>> with any newton (& I have tried with several on different PC's),
> I use it all the time. Between three different Newtons (1 MP2000 and 2
> MP2100s) and two different PCs (my home and work PCs). That is how I get
> packages to my Newt. Been using it for a while now.
No, you are using Templeman's Newton Data Browser. I was speaking strictly
of the DIL from Apple. Have you played with that ?
>> It may indeed seem to be contradictory, but until someone proves me
>> wrong by actually making that work ... I will continue to say that
>> it will not.
> So, does the fact that I use DIL Tester and select "TCP/IP" in Dock "prove you
> wrong"? :) Or am I still misunderstanding something? I'm not at all
> familiar with "EtherTalk", so maybe it is doing that and I just didn't know
> it? I just assumed it was TCP/IP, since that is what it says.
So instead of arguing a point of your own making why not argue against the
one I was making. When you can do this on OSX you will prove me wrong, as
that was the crux of the original start to this - TCP/IP to the Newton under
OSX. It's been ... fun.
Paul Nuernberger
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