Re: [NTLK] [OT] PayPal gripes

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 21:24:57 EDT

>Additionally, a while ago I tried to sign up for a Kagi account... mailed
>in my paper contract and everything, and never heard a peep again. Last
>week they sent me the Kagi newsletter - but they never gave me an account!
>I should look into getting them to fix that, because Kagi is a widely
>respected company.
NuShield started with Kagi. They can be a bit obtuse in getting things
going, but they do a good job. As I recall, I had to dun them a few
times to get things set up. They are expensive, though (about 12% of a
small sale <$50.00).

Mark Ross

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