I have a paypal account, but i still prefer m/o's... when accepting=20
money, paypal charges me almost 3% bc I have a canadian (int'l)=20
account, plus their exchange rate is crappola! Putting money into my=20
chequing account costs me not just 55=A2 like they advertise, but also=20
about 6% currently with the difference in their exchange and the bank=20
rate.... so overall, on any payment sent to me I lose about 9%...
I find it rAther underhanded that PP charges the "hidden" fee with=20
the exchange rate... and their rate never fluctuates... although I'd=20
bet if the CAD went up, they'd pull their rate down...
Plus, why cant you add money from a bank account, when you can=20
withdraw to a bank account... sucks it always has to come from a CC=20
with higher exchange rates (again).
I've started telling ppl if they want to send me $$ with paypal, they=20
better be prepared to pay the extra 9%...
Bidpay is much better.... 5 bucks US and they send a real money order=20
thru the mail... the buyer or sender gets instant buying, and the=20
recipient doesnt get gouged with fees....
Perhaps if I lived in the USA I'd feel differently about Paypal....=20
but for international users, Paypal really can suck.
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