[NTLK] basilisk connexion was 68K RoM image

From: scOtty teCHnoir (ticknor_at_punkass.com)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 21:44:38 EDT

Thanks to all for the help. I found a quadra Rom, and installed OS8.1.
Basilisk is sweet!! Tcp/ip works fine with the NT network. But I cannot
sync the Newton, sadly. NCU under MacOS detects the Newton and says
'connected', but the Newton remains unsatisfied. I have the 'modem' set
to com2 [which windoze NCU uses] and the 'printer' set to com1 [throws
an error in NCU]. The archives indicate this should be a snap.

Your pal,
scOtty teCHnoir

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