Re: [NTLK] Newton DIL Tester

From: Paul Nuernberger (
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 04:58:11 EDT

Hi Paul !!

> From: Paul Guyot <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton DIL Tester
> With Newton Devices, an Ethernet driver, NIE Ethernet, NIE Core, an
> ethernet card and Thomas's Dock TCP/IP you can have TCP/IP.

Yes, I totally forgot about the TCP/IP dock addition from TT. I almost never
use a PC up against my newtons, so must be getting a little myopic. Has he
ever said whether he was going to get back into the development, or release
source, or ... ? Initially there was to be a Mac version as well, but I do
not recall it ever seeing the light of day.

> To give further details, the AppleTalk sub-protocol used by the
> Newton is ADSP (AppleTalk Data Streaming Protocol). This protocol
> isn't available in free implementations of AppleTalk AFAIK. It isn't
> available via documented ways in MacOS X (it seems to be implemented
> in Darwin, though).

Why the difference ? Part of Apple's never-ending pursuit of legacy dump ?

>> I have never been able to get Windows DIL Tester to talk TCP/IP reliably
>> with any newton (& I have tried with several on different PC's), and the
>> PC-side tools from Apple made no attempt to get AppleTalk or EtherTalk or
>> TCP/IP working in any fashion (not including the actual DIL, which was
>> nowhere near a finished tool).
> Let me disagree. The DIL is a finished tool. Of course, it doesn't do
> everything we want, but it was designed to let developers write
> application that connect with the Newton and get data there.

I meant finished tool for the end-user - should have specified. I have
played with the DIL, but am not even close to what one would consider a
programmer, much less a developer.

>> Without information from Apple that correctly & FULLY details the dock
>> protocol and inner workings
> which are on my website
>> - someone will have to reinvent the wheel. Ask
>> Paul Guyot about his 'fun with newton dock'.
> Yeah, I really enjoyed cracking the DES challenge ;)

COOL !! I was unaware that you had indeed finished that ! Last I heard you
were still working through the DES, but that was some time ago. Guess I
will have to work less and read the list more :>

>> It may indeed seem to be contradictory, but until someone proves me wrong by
>> actually making that work ... I will continue to say that it will not.
> Where I agree with you is that AFAIK, there isn't any fully working
> dock-based backup software except Apple's wonderfully working NCU and
> NBU.

Given that the dock protocols have been demystified, would it now be
possible to develop an OSX/*nix native docking solution, maybe even one that
was extensible ?

Paul Nuernberger

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