on 13/04/02 03:57, Paul Nuernberger at newton_at_thenuernbergers.com wrote:
> Yup, I know it will work. I was doing exactly as you describe, but after
> having my main newt take a 7 foot drop to blacktop ... It was in my
> satellite case so was not damaged, but this isn't the first time something
> untoward has happened.
> I'm really interested in exploring the pros and, more importantly, the cons
> of doing this. One thing I thought about was the increased number of write
> cycles the flash ram will undergo on each unit, but that will depend upon
> how frequently I backup/restore to keep them in sync.
>> From: Hal Widlansky <hal_at_whoever.com>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton Syncing & Usage
>> What you suggest makes sense and actually works pretty well. That's
>> essentially
>> what I plan to do with my back up 2100. I keep it in a case in the closet and
>> once a week or so, I plan to back up the everyday 2100 on my mac and then
>> restore the backup files onto the backup 2100. I tried this the other day to
>> test it out and it worked perfectly. It's easiest if the 2 are configured
>> exactly the same (same size memory cards, same ethernet cards, etc.). I just
>> made sure that both had 32meg cards and 3com cards and it works great!
Or just use 2 32 MB cards, that you alternate and keep up to dates. Set your
Newt to save all info on the card. If something bad happen to your Newt, you
only have to pop the card in your spare Newton. If something bad happens to
both your Newt and the card, you still have to other card that might be
slightly out of date, but still have most of your info.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.combozotic /boh-zoh'tik/ or /boh-zo'tik/ adj.: [from the name of a TV clown even more losing than Ronald McDonald] Resembling or having the quality of a bozo; that is, clownish, ludicrously wrong, unintentionally humorous. Compare wonky, demented. Note that the noun `bozo' occurs in slang, but the mainstream adjectival form would be `bozo-like' or (in New England) `bozoish'.
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