I use the alcohol wipes you see at the Dr.'s office prior to getting an
injection. The pads are a cloth type substance and the alcohol dissolves
most all finger grease. In addition, the alcohol evaporates completely and
doesn't leave any kind of soapy residue. A box of 100 is about a $1.00 in
any of your Targets, Wal-Marts or local pharmacies...
>> I know that
>> using paper tissues can scratch plastic or glass, but I
>> don't see how
>> their pre-moistened wipes would be any softer, unless
>> they're made out of cloth
> The reason paper towels may scratch opticals is that they contain
> small amounts of impurities (dirt, sand, etc) which can be hard. If
> the moist wipe is higher-quality and doesn't contain such impurities,
> it won't scratch even though it's made of paper.
> This said, I haven't used moist wipes.
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