on 14/04/02 02:12, Paul Guyot at pguyot_at_kallisys.net wrote:
> Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 12:00:21 -0400
> From: Laurent Daudelin <nemesys_at_cox.rr.com>
>>> To give further details, the AppleTalk sub-protocol used by the
>>> Newton is ADSP (AppleTalk Data Streaming Protocol). This protocol
>>> isn't available in free implementations of AppleTalk AFAIK. It isn't
>>> available via documented ways in MacOS X (it seems to be implemented
>>> in Darwin, though).
>> [snip!]
>> Definitely. AppleTalk is definitely part of OS X.
> Taratata.
> Unless someone shows me the documentation page on Apple's website, I
> will say that ADSP isn't available through documented function,
> therefore it is not available.
> And no, OpenTransport on X doesn't handle it.
I'm not sure by the level of support of AppleTalk in OS X, so I don't know
if it really supports ADSP, but in order to print to my Personal LaserWriter
NTR (over an AsanteTalk), I have to enable "AppleTalk" in the Network
preferences. So, it's there, in one form or another. And if it wasn't there,
there is no way that NCU in Classic would be able to connect to my MP2100.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comcopy protection n.: A class of methods for preventing incompetent pirates from stealing software and legitimate customers from using it. Considered silly.
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