[NTLK] Battery pack thermo switch

From: Frank Gruendel (Frank_Gruendel_at_t-online.de)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 18:50:20 EDT

> as long as you do not leave your Newt unattended while fast charging - no
> problem
> as long as your battery pack is well treated and healthy - no problem
> as long as you use the original power adaptor only - no problem

As long as everyone drives exactly according to traffic law, you'll never
an airbag. Still...
Protection hardware is built in to take care of the situation where one of
"as long" 's becomes an "until recently"...
But this is kind of a philosophic discussion. Like whether you need
Most people have been telling me I was stupid to have a health insurance for
foreign countries, considering the fact that I don't go abroad on a regular
basis. Until I was refunded the cost for 10 days of severe illness in
Which was about as much as the next 300 years of insurance fee will
cost me...


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