Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:04:25 +0200
From: Enzo Borri <>
>If you open the PKG of your book using a Text Editor such as BBEdit,
>you'll see an extra char after each every char. This is the reason of the
>file size.
Exactly. This is called Unicode UCS-2.
>As soon as the book is sent to the Newton, the extra chars are
>removed and your file size become half the size of the PKG when on your
>hard drive.
Well, not exactly. The package is compressed on the Newton. However,
it seems that even if compression can reach 50% for text, it is not
simply skipping every other byte. The text is still encoded in UCS-2,
fortunately for every Newton user who doesn't think in 7 or 8 bits :)
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