Since you have an ancient MP120, I would go for the upgrade route. My
first Newton was an MP120, too, with NOS 1.3. Maybe you have this as
well? The HWR in those wasn't very good. Recently, MP2100s were selling
for $99 on ebay, $134 with a few extras such as a 32 MB card and a power
supply as well as rechargeable batteries and a modem.
Some are in excellent condition, check out ebay and have a look. I think
you like your Newton a whole lot better with an MP2100 or an upgraded
MP2000. Don't go for a "Not Upgraded 2000" as they tend to run out of
Heap Space very quickly.
Best regards,
On Sunday, April 21, 2002, at 06:09 , Stephen Swift (aka Burnum) wrote:
> At 4/21/02 5:08 PM, Jesse Garnier ( Wrote:
>>> cursive, it really has trouble interpreting the letters. Does anyone
>>> ha=
> ve
>>> any tips? Or should I just upgrade to a MP 2100?
>> =20
>> A 2100 would be much, much better, but even it can't work miracles.
> I think I'll have to do that. My newt rarely works anyway. I normally
> hav=
> e
> to press the reset button to turn it on and off (The power button works
> only sometimes). Sometimes the Newt just freezes and I have to restart.
> Sometimes the Newt restarts itself while I'm working on it. The screen
> goe=
> s
> blank except for one vertical line running down the center. And then it
> starts back up with the error message "Sorry, a system error caused the
> system to restart." I fear some piece of hardware is out of sync. I
> have =
> a
> few options:
> 1) Try to fix it myself. I've done everything in the faq. Anyone have
> any
> more ideas?
> 2) Send it to someone who can fix it for me. Anyone do this?
> 3) Buy another newt and sell this to someone for parts.
> Stephen Swift =BF' The Burnum Man
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Chris Ruprecht
1505 Fort Clark Boulevard #1-205 * Gainesville, FL 32606
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