Re: [NTLK] Re - Overclocking

From: Ronald Uphoff (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 21:43:15 EDT

> From: Stephanie Maks <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 19:17:24 -0400
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Re - Overclocking
> I've been wondering, the last few days. With the debate that overclocking may
> shorten the lifespan of the Newton, and knowing that Newtons are in very
> finite supply, does the relationship between clock speed and life span work
> both ways?
> If you underclock your Newton, will it live longer? With a 3.686 MHz crystal,
> my MP2100 runs about 162 MHz. If I put in a 1 MHz crystal, and run it about
> 45 MHz, will the lifespan be extended by any amount?
> (What is the expected lifespan of a Newton anyways? Does anyone know? MTBF
> for an MP2100?)
> How about the batteries? I've heard that overclocking may decrease battery
> life by a small amount. Will underclocking make the batteries last longer?
> I may give this a try with my back-up Newton. Underclock it, and see what
> happens.
> -Stephanie
> methuselaNewt: Runs real slow, but will live forever.
If slowness confers longevity, my eMates are immortal!

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