Re: [NTLK] Re - Overclocking

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 19:17:24 EDT

I've been wondering, the last few days. With the debate that overclocking may shorten the lifespan of the Newton, and knowing that Newtons are in very finite supply, does the relationship between clock speed and life span work both ways?

If you underclock your Newton, will it live longer? With a 3.686 MHz crystal, my MP2100 runs about 162 MHz. If I put in a 1 MHz crystal, and run it about 45 MHz, will the lifespan be extended by any amount?

(What is the expected lifespan of a Newton anyways? Does anyone know? MTBF for an MP2100?)

How about the batteries? I've heard that overclocking may decrease battery life by a small amount. Will underclocking make the batteries last longer?

I may give this a try with my back-up Newton. Underclock it, and see what happens.

methuselaNewt: Runs real slow, but will live forever.

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