On 4/23/2002 at 8:13 AM Laurent Daudelin said:
>on 23/04/02 03:19, Bradford Schmidt wrote:
>> My choice, and I am REALLY happy, is the cross digital duo. Not the
>> ( i hate that thing) but the basic one with the stylus on one end, and
>> standard cross roller on the other. Nice size, looks good, doesn't
>> can use any cross insert, and the stylus ROCKS. Best feel I have ever
>> felt.
>So, how do you transport it? Which end is bare when you put it in your
>pocket? The stylus tip? And then, you'll write with it on your Newton
---------To Which I Say---------
Well, right now I am using it at my desk - I use my Newton as my main
method of organization, NOT synced, so I'm always writing on it blah blah.
But I also carry the newt in an old Yugoslavian army bag and clip the pen
in there. I haven't really found a way to carry my newt with me other than
in some sort of bag, so I don't have a problem. When I carry it like a
planner, just in my hand, I'll just use the standard stylus, or the
replacement one that fits in the silo.
Bradford Schmidt
Bradford Schmidt IMC
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