Re: [NTLK] OT - Off Topic - Brakes

From: John Charlton (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 01:22:20 EDT

Sorry I'm getting in to this discussion past the point of relevancy, but
this topic is up my alley. Way back the topic was along the lines of
"making things less safe makes people use them more safely, and vice versa"
  and one case in point was anti-lock brakes. It's a touchy subject, but it
seems the jury is still out. Here's a starter for anyone interested:

An even better example of the "I'm invulnerable now" syndrome are the SUVs
in the ditches in winter.

Personally, and feel free to call me a spoil-sport, I hope that all those
driving 200 kph / 140 mph and enjoying all that turbo-boost and 7.8l of
pure high-octane fun only kill themselves on the public highways, and not
some innocent family, cyclist, pedestrian, or family pet. Sadly I know this
isn't usually how it works. Everyone thinks they're in control until the
unexpected happens and they've already eaten up their margin of safety. 40,
000 people die and _ten times_ that number are seriously injured each year
on U.S. roads alone. Compare that figure to any airline accident, civil war,
  earthquake or, allow me to say it, terrorist attack.

But I give credit to the person who really hit it on the head, Mr.
Prabhakar Ragde who said: "Now can we get back to talking about Newtons,


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