Wouldn't an OT list be every other mail list out there?
It all boils down to how people view the mail list.
Some people see it as a place to discuss ONLY newtons.
Others see it as a list or community for Newton users to discuss things,
primarily the Newton.
Personally, I favor the latter.
>> From: "Ben Smith (QM Systems)" <ben.smith_at_qm-systems.com>
>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 03:28 PM, Steve Weyer wrote:
>>>>> or perhaps there could be a separate OT list ?
>>> I thought that the whole reason we put "OT" in off-topic
>>> discussions was so
>>> that people could filter that stuff out... Is this not working?
>>> - Eric.
>>> --
>>> Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^mailaps.org)
>> True, but you still have to download them before you can apply any
>> rules to them, unless you have a mail client that lets you apply rules
>> at the serv
> plus those of us who get the digest version still get everything...
> maybe time to go on vacation for awhile.
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